Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Asuncion, J., Abrami, A., Alapin, I., Amsel, R., Arcuri, R., Budd, J., Chauvin, A., Chwojka, C., Ferraro, V., Fiset, D., Fossey, M., Gaulin, C., Généreux, C., Gutberg, J., Havel, A., Heiman, T., Hewlett, M., James, C., Jorgensen, M., Jorgensen, S., Juhel, J.-C., King, L., Lamb, D., Landry, M.-E., Martiniello, N., Mimouni, Z., Nguyen, M. N., Raymond, O., Robillard, C., Schipper, F., Tétreault, S., Tibbs, A. et Wolforth, J. (2013, juin). 15+ years of research on college students with disabilities: Lessons learned and shared by the Adaptech Research Network. 33e colloque de l’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC), Montréal, Québec.
15+ years of research on college students with disabilities: Lessons learned and shared by the Adaptech Research Network.
Année de publication: 2013