Adaptech Hosts Belgian Guests for a Second Time

In August 2023, Adaptech hosted Belgian guests Pierre Muraille from CRETH ( and Vincent Leone from Fondation I see ( Topics discussed included accessibility of French language software, hardware and…

Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial. Profweb.

Adaptech Hosts Belgian Guests

In June 2019 Adaptech hosted Belgian guests Pierre Muraille from CRETH ( and Vincent Leone from Fondation I see ( Topics discussed included accessibility of software, hardware and mobile technology…

Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success. Profweb.


Magnify provides magnifier zooming capabilities on the screen area surrounding the mouse pointer. Magnification can be done in whole numbers between 1 and 20 times. Press [SHIFT] +…

Text Cloner Pro

Text Cloner is an OCR package that is designed to work with Screen Readers. While it does not come with an internal voice, it has high performance OCR engine and…

PDF Equalizer

With PDF Equalizer, the user can modify PDF files to add in or to retrieve useful information. This software can summarize the content of a PDF file by…

2016 – Christine Vo is to be awarded the NDT Technologies Inc. Scholarship

to be awarded the NDT Technologies Inc. Scholarship for Engineering and Computer Science at Concordia University. This scholarship recognizes her work and dedication throughout the academic year. Congratulations Christine!…


Magnifier is a display utility that is packaged with all versions of Windows starting with Windows 98. Magnifier provides a minimum level of functionality for people who have visual impairments….