Facilitators and barriers as a hard of hearing translator

N. (2013). Facilitators and barriers as a hard of hearing translator. Council of Canadians with Disabilities: Getting and keeping a job: What makes a difference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Retrieved from http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/socialpolicy/employment/Getting#Contents…

Les technologies : un Dragon dans la salle de classe.

A., Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Havel, A., & Nguyen, M. N. (2010, May 9). Les technologies : un Dragon dans la salle de classe. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/publications/recits/les-technologies-un-dragon-dans-la-salle-de-classe…

Literacy Productivity Pack

a word processor, spellchecker, and word predictor. Literacy Productivity Pack also comes with E-Text Reader, PDF Equalize, Text-to-Audio, Universal Reader Plus, English Talking Dictionary, French Talking Dictionary, and Talking Calculator….

Posting on Tony Bates’ Blog: How well has your institution integrated technology?

Fichten, C. S. (2010, February 13). Posting on Tony Bates’ Blog: How well has your institution integrated technology? Retrieved from http://www.tonybates.ca/2010/02/11/how-well-has-your-institution-integrated-technology/…

Teachers’ use of ICTs: What do students think?

S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Budd, J., Asuncion, J., Nguyen, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Teachers’ use of ICTs: What do students think? Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/teachers-use-of-icts-what-do-students-think…

The alphabet soup of universal design.

Havel, A. (2017, February). The alphabet soup of universal design. Dawson College Newsroom. https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/sites/130/Alphabet-Soup-of-Universal-Design-AHcf-.pdf

Jobs then – and now

Fichten, C. (2013). Jobs then – and now. Council of Canadians with Disabilities: Getting and keeping a job: What makes a difference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Retrieved from http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/socialpolicy/employment/Getting#Contents

Analysis of barriers and recommendations developed in consultation with the advisory committee on accessibility and systemic ableism (ACASA)

J., & Peers, D. (2024). Analysis of barriers and recommendations developed in consultation with the advisory committee on accessibility and systemic ableism (ACASA). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/about-au_sujet/governance-gouvernance/committees-comites/accessibility/reports-rapports/acasa-ccacs-eng.aspx…

Phones as teaching tools in the classroom

Staff Writers. (2020, October 6). Phones as teaching tools in the classroom. Dawson Newsroom. https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/news/dawson-community/phones-as-teaching-tools-in-the-classroom/

Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones

Profweb Editorial Team, & Legault, A. (2020, September 27). Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones. Profweb. https://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/video-tutorials-for-teachers-for-the-inclusive-use-of-smartphones