Adaptech “Zooming” ahead in research.

Wileman, S., & Havel, A. (2020, May 28). Adaptech “zooming” ahead in research. D News.…

Naviguer entre les écueils de la recherche au collégial

Burgun, I. (2019, June 12). Naviguer entre les écueils de la recherche au collégial. Agence Science-Presse.

Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones

Profweb Editorial Team, & Legault, A. (2020, September 27). Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones. Profweb.

Hidden treasures: Free and inexpensive information and communication technologies for college students

King, L., Budd, J., Havel, A., Marcil, E., Vo, C., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, June 7). Hidden treasures: Free and Inexpensive information and communication technologies for college students. Profweb.…

Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial. Profweb.

Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success. Profweb.

Internship: the bridge from campus to career

Havel, A., Jorgensen, M., & Wileman, S. (2023, November 30). Internship: The bridge from campus to career. D News.…