2024: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Best practices in supporting students during internships [Invited speakers]

Wileman, S., Havel, A., Fichten, C., & Jorgensen, M. (2024, January 9). Best practices in supporting students during internships [Invited speakers]. Intercollegiate Pedagogical Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2024: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology [Invited speakers]

Pickup, D. I., Borokhovski, E. F., Vo, C., Schmid, R. F., & Fichten, C. S. (2024, January 23). SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology [Invited speakers]. SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Forum – Shifting Dynamics of Priviliege and Marginalization, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2024: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology

Pickup, D. I., Borokhovski, E. F., Vo, C., Schmid, R. F., & Fichten, C. S. (2024, December). SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology. Unpublished manuscript.
2024: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Analysis of barriers and recommendations developed in consultation with the advisory committee on accessibility and systemic ableism (ACASA)

Peters, A., Honisch, S. S., Arentsen, M., Bruce, C., Catala, A., Fichten, C., Lindsay, S., Lord, P., Martino, A. S., McGuire-Adams, T., Mendez de la Brena, D., Nolan J., & Peers, D. (2024). Analysis of barriers and recommendations developed in consultation with the advisory committee on accessibility and systemic ableism (ACASA). Social Sciences and Humanities […]
2024: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

A hidden epidemic of parasomnias among post-secondary students: Prevalence and psychological correlates [Poster presentation]

Liao, H., Fichten, C., Libman, E., Bailes, S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Qin, Y., Creti, L., Zlotea, B., Vo, C., Budd, J., Vasseur, A., & Pierre-Sindor, T. (2024, April 12). A hidden epidemic of parasomnias among post-secondary students: Prevalence and psychological correlates [Poster presentation]. McGill University Thesis Poster Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2023: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Browser extensions for post-secondary students with disabilities

Fichten, C., Arcuri, R., Vo, C., Vasseur, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2023). Browser extensions for post-secondary students with disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v11i2.5867
2023: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

A partnership in the making [Invited speakers]?

Havel, A., Wileman, S., Iravani-Manesh, G., Fichten, C., & Jorgensen, M. (2023, January 20). A partnership in the making [Invited speakers]? Accessibility and Inclusion (CACUSS) Leadership Team, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2023: Tests and Tools / Measures

Sleep and Well-being During the Recent Remote/Online Activities and during the Return to Face-to- Face Teaching: Students [Coding manual]

Jorgensen, M., Fichten, C., Wing, S., Costin, G., Havel, A., & Wileman, S. (2023, March 27). Sleep and well-being during the recent remote/online activities and during the return to face-to- face Teaching: Students [Coding manual]. Adaptech Research Network. https://adaptech.org/publications/sleep-and-well-being-during-the-recent-remote-online-activities-and-during-the-return-to-face-to-face-teaching-students-coding-manual/