Smartphones, a neglected pedagogical tool

Status: Completed Projects
Year: 2019-2020
This Project was completed in 2019-2020

The goal of this project was to create and disseminate teaching activities using smartphones. We used information from focus groups and advisory boards including students, teachers, and professionals to develop 10 academic activities using smartphones that teachers can use. These include short videos, written lesson plans, and publications on the SALTISE website. For more information contact Anick Legault ( or Laura King (

We created four YouTube videos and have two deliverables on the SALTISE website. The URLs are provided below.

SALTISE deliverables:

Yeas and nays: Using smartphones for gathering data:

Solving world issues one smartphone at a time:

Youtube videos: 

Logistics of using smartphones in the classroom:

Screen recording tutorial:

The Classics of Polling Using Smartphones:

Using Moodle App on Smartphones for Assessments:

Entente Canada-Québec (ECQ) funded this project.