Analyser les pratiques de supervision pour favoriser un meilleur encadrement des stagiaires en soins infirmiers ayant un trouble d’apprentissage [English adaptation of excerpts]

Bigras, A., Dorismond, M., & Mekkelholt, K. (2022). Analyser les pratiques de supervision pour favoriser un meilleur encadrement des stagiaires en soins infirmiers ayant un trouble d’apprentissage [English adaptation of excerpts]. Adaptation by A. Havel, S. Wileman, & T. Pierre-Sindor. Adaptech Research Network.

Browser extensions that can help post-secondary students with disabilities

Arcuri, R., Vo, C., Vasseur, A., Harvison, M., & Fichten, C. (2022, August). Browser extensions that can help post-secondary students with disabilities. Adaptech Research Network.

Changing times: Emerging technologies for students with disabilities in higher education

Fichten, C. S., Martiniello, N., Asuncion, J., Coughlan, T., & Havel, A. (in press). Changing times: Emerging technologies for students with disabilities in higher education. In J. Madaus & L. Lyman (Eds.), Handbook of higher education and disability. Elgar Publishing.

Coding manual: Browser extensions data

Vo, C., Vasseur, A., & Fichten, C. (2022, October). Coding manual: Browser extensions data. Adaptech Research Network.