2011: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Our perspective / Notre perspective.

Barile, M., & Guay, G. (2011). Our perspective. Presented at the Metropolitan Montreal Independent Living Resource Centre, Montreal, Québec.
2011: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Langage de l’handicap: Qui le définit.

Barile, M., & Guay, G. (2011). Langage de l’handicap: Qui le définit. Presented at Community Recreational Leadership Training, Dawson College, Montreal, Québec.
2011: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Tools of oppression.

Barile, M., & Guay, G. (2011). Tools of oppression. Presented at Enabling Justice, School of Social Work, McGill University, Montréal, Québec.
2011: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Recreation: All Ability Welcome. A change in perspective.

Barile, M., & Guay, G. (2011). Recreation: All Ability Welcome. A change in perspective. Presented at Community Recreational Leadership Training, Dawson College, Montreal, Québec.
2010: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Students with Special Needs: What Can We Do For Them?

Havel, A. (2010, November). Students with special needs: What can we do for them? Presentation for the Adult Education English Counsellors Committee.
2010: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Universal design of instruction (UDI): Creating the accessible classroom

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., & Havel, A. (2010, October). Universal design of instruction (UDI): Creating the accessible classroom. Presentation at the Dawson College Pedagogical Day, Montréal, Québec.
2010: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Les TIC à la rescousse des étudiants ayant des troubles d’apprentissage.

King, L., & Chauvin, A. (2010, October 20). Les TIC à la rescousse des étudiants ayant des troubles d’apprentissage. Online presentation for the Dîner-causerie de l’Association pour les applications pédagogiques de l’ordinateur au postsecondaire (APOP).
2010: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Technology Workshop

Ciarciello, M., Malik, R., Fichten, C. S., & Budd, J. (2010, May). Technology workshop. Invited workshop at the National Convention and General Meeting of the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians, Montréal, Quebec.
2010: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Les étudiants avec troubles d’apprentissage face aux technologies de l’information.

Fichten, C. S., King, L., Mimouni, Z., Juhel, J.-C., & Raymond, O. (2010, May). Les étudiants avec troubles d’apprentissage face aux technologies de l’information. Presentation at the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) Rencontre de suivi : La persévérance et la réussite scolaire – Enseignement collégial et universitaire. Quebec City, Québec.