2015 – Adaptech’s research gets published!

Havel, A., Budd, J., Asuncion, J., Nguyen,, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Teachers’ use of ICTs: What do students think? Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/teachers-use-of-icts-what-do-students-think…

2015 – Adaptech’s research gets published!

Nguyen,, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Utilisation des TIC par les enseignants: Quel est le niveau de satisfaction des cégépiens? Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/utilisation-des-tic-par-les-enseignants-quel-est-le-niveau-de-satisfaction-des-cegepiens…

Bianca Zlotea awarded Bourse pour stage d’initiation à la relève au collégial

was awarded a Bourse pour stage d’initiation à la relève au collégial du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture in recognition of her contribution to research. https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/news/dnews/environmental-science-student-receives-bursary-in-recognition-of-research-work/?ref=dnews&issue=2024-04-11…

WordWeb Pro

It can be used to look up words from almost any program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. It includes pronunciations and usage examples, and has spelling and sounds-like links….