Sexual assault and women with disabilities

Barile, M. (2004, September). Sexual assault and women with disabilities. Presentation at the meeting of the Sexual Assault Center, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Sexual assault and women with disabilities

Barile, M. (1995-2005). Sexual assault and women with disabilities. Presentations at the Annual Conference of the Sexual Assault Center, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Intersection of disability and poverty

Barile, M. (2004, November). Intersection of disability and poverty. Presented at Good Shepard Community Center, Montreal, Quebec.

Predicting college retention and dropout: Sex and disability.

Jorgensen, S., Ferraro, V., Fichten, C. S., & Havel, A. (2009). Predicting college retention and dropout: Sex and disability. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) (ED505873)….