Text Cloner Pro

Text Cloner is an OCR package that is designed to work with Screen Readers. While it does not come with an internal voice, it has high performance OCR engine and…

Adaptech Hosts Belgian Guests

In June 2019 Adaptech hosted Belgian guests Pierre Muraille from CRETH (http://www.creth.be) and Vincent Leone from Fondation I see (https://www.fondationisee.be). Topics discussed included accessibility of software, hardware and mobile technology…

Adaptech Hosts Belgian Guests for a Second Time

In August 2023, Adaptech hosted Belgian guests Pierre Muraille from CRETH (http://www.creth.be) and Vincent Leone from Fondation I see (https://www.fondationisee.be). Topics discussed included accessibility of French language software, hardware and…

Utilisation des TIC par les enseignants: quel est le niveau de satisfaction des cégépiens?

…J., Asuncion, J., Nguyen, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Utilisation des TIC par les enseignants: Quel est le niveau de satisfaction des cégépiens? Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/utilisation-des-tic-par-les-enseignants-quel-est-le-niveau-de-satisfaction-des-cegepiens…

Universal Reader Plus

Universal Reader Plus is a screen reader that can be used with lots of different applications. It can read your email, web pages, Word files, and more with…

Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones

Profweb Editorial Team, & Legault, A. (2020, September 27). Video tutorials for teachers for the inclusive use of smartphones. Profweb. https://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/video-tutorials-for-teachers-for-the-inclusive-use-of-smartphones

Perspectives des étudiants et des enseignants sur les pratiques exemplaires pour l’intégration des technologies en enseignement collégial

Rhéaume, C. (2017, November 24). Perspectives des étudiants et des enseignants sur les pratiques exemplaires pour l’intégration des technologies en enseignement collégial. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/perspectives-des-etudiants-et-des-enseignants-sur-les-pratiques-exemplaires-pour-l-integration-des-technologies-en-enseignement-collegial…

Job prospects favorable for recent Canadian college and university graduates with disabilities: Preliminary results of an Adaptech Research Network cross-Canada study.

…& Tibbs, A. (2013). Job prospects favorable for recent Canadian college and university graduates with disabilities: Preliminary results of an Adaptech Research Network cross-Canada study. NEADS Media. Retrieved from http://www.neads.ca/en/about/media/index.php?id=76…