CK’s Text-to-Speech to MP3

CK’s Text-to-Speech to MP3 uses Apple’s speech synthesizer to creates audio files. The software converts written text to into MP3 format. It supports written text in Safari, TextEdit…

WebbIE Web Browser 4

…text by removing graphics and rendering the content more accessible to screen readers. WebbIE has a simple and friendly user interface. WebbIE simplifies access to online forms and other documents….

Aldo’s Magnifier

Aldo’s Magnifier is a freeware version of the Windows 98/2000 magnifier, but for use in Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000. It provides limited magnification on a cross-section of the screen. Through…


Dragnifier magnifies the screen area surrounding the mouse pointer. Magnification can be done in whole numbers between 1 and 8 times and with varying sizes and shapes of the magnification…


A simple screen magnifier. Magnification ranges from 2x to 64x with a quick locate option to position the viewing window. The tool magnifies the area around the mouse…

Adaptech Hosts Belgian Guests for a Second Time

Pierre Muraille from CRETH ( and Vincent Leone from Fondation I see ( Topics discussed included accessibility of French language software, hardware and mobile technology apps in Belgium and Canada….

Catherine Fichten

Dr. Catherine Fichten is the recipient of the Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public or Community Service, the Prix Reconnaissance de l’Association pour la recherche au collégial…

Posting on Tony Bates’ Blog: How well has your institution integrated technology?

Fichten, C. S. (2010, February 13). Posting on Tony Bates’ Blog: How well has your institution integrated technology? Retrieved from…


Magnify provides magnifier zooming capabilities on the screen area surrounding the mouse pointer. Magnification can be done in whole numbers between 1 and 20 times. Press [SHIFT] + [+] to…

Les technologies : un Dragon dans la salle de classe.

…A., Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Havel, A., & Nguyen, M. N. (2010, May 9). Les technologies : un Dragon dans la salle de classe. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from…