Lightning Calendar

Lightning Calendar is a free calendar developed by Mozilla that can be fully integrated with Thunderbird. It allows the user to manage multiple calendars, create a daily to-do…

SpokenText (chrome and firefox extension)

SpokenText for Google Chrome or Firefox is an extension that allows users to convert text or web pages into speech. Users select the voice and speed rate they…


KeyCounter counts the number of key depressions the user makes while typing and automatically suggests breaks after a set number of keystrokes are carried out. This application does not log…

Ultimate Talking Dictionary Mac

Ultimate Talking Dictionary Mac reads words and their definitions using Text-to-Speech. If the requested word is misspelled, the software comes up with a list of similar words. For every word…

Universal Reader Plus

Universal Reader Plus is a screen reader that can be used with lots of different applications. It can read your email, web pages, Word files, and more with…

French Talking Dictionary Mac

French Talking Dictionary Mac reads words and their definitions using Text-to-Speech. If the requested word is misspelled, the software comes up with a list of similar words. For every word…


ssOverlay is software that allows the user to apply a color “overlay” on the screen. The color and opacity are customizable….

Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard is an on screen keyboard that can be used to replicate keystrokes. It includes scanning and word prediction functionality. Microsoft speech engine can be downloaded to add text-to-voice…


T-Bar is software that allows the user to mask part of the screen with a colored rectangle. The size, color, and opacity of this rectangle are customizable.

Using students’ personal mobile devices in class

Fichten, C., Havel, A., Jorgensen, M., King, L., & Harvison, M. (2019). Using students’ personal mobile devices in class. Academic Matters, May 2019.