
create 30 second audio files and the Silver memberhip allows for up to 1 hour audio files. Users can choose from 15 different voices as well as the speed of…

ReadPlease 2003

ReadPlease is a basic text-to-speech engine that is distributed free of charge. It can be customized in several ways, allowing for the integration of new voices as well as contrast…

Adaptech’s recent presentations!

use technologies for faculty [Conference presentation] Thomson, R. (2024, June 3-4). Accessible general use technologies for faculty [Conference presentation]. 13th Annual SALTISE Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada. The impact of disabilities…

Colour Explorer

Colour Explorer is software that allows the user to change the default Windows background and font colors. Any application using these colors will be affected.


automatically focuses on the cards they are having trouble with. It also offers printing (including custom page layouts and sizes), pictures and sounds on cards, Unicode support, and card formatting….

Bookari Free Epub PDF Reader

allows users to read eBooks/PDFs, highlight text, look up words or phrases in Google, take notes, browse online for new books, import books and share books on the Mantano Cloud….


possible to import references from the Internet via websites such as PubMed or OvidSP. Mendeley can then export the references directly into Microsoft Word choosing the appropriate style (i.e. APA)…


possible to import references from the Internet via websites such as PubMed or OvidSP. Mendeley can then export the references directly into Microsoft Word choosing the appropriate style (i.e. APA)…


TheSage is a free dictionary that allows the user to look up definitions, anagrams, synonyms, antonyms, and more.


WiseMapping is a free online mind mapping editor. User’s do not have to download any software, it is completely web based. This online tool allows users to create and edit…