
Accessibility of eLearning and information and computer technologies to postsecondary students with disabilities.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J., Barile, M., Ferraro, V., Nguyen, M., Gaulin, C., Landry, M.E., Chwojka, C., Wolforth, J., James, C., Budd, J., Hewlett, M., L vesque, J., Malik, R., Guimont, J.P., Martiniello, N., Klomp, R., Arcuri, R., Tibbs, A., Lamb, D., Moisey, S., Smith, F., Oberl , A., Alcorn MacKay, S., & Annable, G. (2008, août). Accessibility of eLearning and information and computer technologies to postsecondary students with disabilities. Présentation au World Congress on Rehabilitation, Québec, Québec. Résumé dans Livre des résumés – Book of Abstracts, 32.3. Session, pp. 84-85 (97-98).

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