Fichten, C. S., Amsel, R., Robillard, K., Tagalakis, V., Wright, J., Sabourin, S., & Libman, E. (1997). Integration of people with physical and sensory impairments. The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital – Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research: Scientific report 1994-1995 (pp. 172-175). Montreal, Quebec.
Barile, M., & Fichten, C.S. (1997, May). Computer and information technologies for postsecondary students with disabilities: Research in progress. Presentation at the annual convention of the Association pour la recherche au collégial, Montreal, Quebec. Abstracted in 9e colloque de l’ARC: Programme, 9.
Fichten, C.S. (1997, July). Postsecondary students with disabilities: Opportunities and abilities. Presentation at the Second Japan Conference of the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD), Tokyo, Japan.
Asuncion, J., Lavers, J., Barile, M., & Fichten, C.S. (1997, March). Information technologies for postsecondary students with disabilities. Presentation at the Technology Fair and QuEvNet Workshop, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
Fichten, C.S. (1997, February). Disabilities. Invited presentation at the 2nd EvNet Workshop, Hamilton, Ontario.
Fichten, C.S. (1997, May). Témoignage sur la recherche au collégial et ses impacts. Invited keynote presentation at the annual convention of the Association pour la recherche au collégial, Montreal, Quebec.
Fichten, C.S., Amsel, R., Robillard, K., Tagalakis, V., Wright, J., Sabourin, S., & Libman, E. (1997). Integration of people with physical and sensory impairments / Intégration sociale des personnes handicapées physiquement et sensoriellement. The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital – Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research: Scientific report 1994-1995 (pp. 172-175) / Hôpital […]
Read More Fichten, C.S., Amsel, R., Robillard, K., Tagalakis, V., Wright, J., Sabourin,
S., & Libman, E. (1997). Integration of people with physical and
sensory impairments / Intégration sociale des personnes
Maggiore, V., Fichten, C.S., & Lavers, J. (1997, October). Teaching and learning via the internet: The virtual college classroom. Presentation at the Dawson College Open House, Montreal, Quebec.
Fichten, C.S. (1997). External examiner for a doctoral thesis at the Université de Montreal.
Fichten, C.S. (1997). Keynote speaker: Second Japan Conference of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), Tokyo, Japan.