1997: Appointments / Recognition

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Member of Awards Jury: Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Meeting the Challenge Award (innovative application of adaptive/assistive technology).

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Member of Awards Jury: Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Meeting the Challenge Award (innovative application of adaptive/assistive technology).
1997: Appointments / Recognition

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Prix de l’A.R.C. pour Contribution au Développement de Carrières Scientifiques. Prize jointly awarded by A.R.C., Faculté des Sciences de l’Education de l’Université de Montreal, and the CEQ f

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Prix de l’A.R.C. pour Contribution au Développement de Carrières Scientifiques. Prize jointly awarded by A.R.C., Faculté des Sciences de l’Education de l’Université de Montreal, and the CEQ for extraordinary contribution to the scientific careers of students and young researchers.
1997: Appointments / Recognition

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Témoignage sur la recherche au collégial et ses impacts. Invited keynote presentation at the annual convention of the Association pour la recherche au collégial, Montreal, Quebec.

Fichten, C.S. (1997). Témoignage sur la recherche au collégial et ses impacts. Invited keynote presentation at the annual convention of the Association pour la recherche au collégial, Montreal, Quebec.
1996: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Attentional focus and attitudes toward peers with disabilities: Self focusing and a comparison of modeling and self-disclosure.

Fichten, C. S., Lennox, H., Robillard, K., Wright, J., Sabourin, S., & Amsel, R. (1996). Attentional focus and attitudes toward peers with disabilities: Self focusing and a comparison of modeling and self-disclosure. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 27(4), 30-39.
1996: Book Chapters and Booklets

Students and their professors: A guide for the college student with a disability.

Fichten, C. S., Goodrick, G., Amsel, R., & Libman, E. (1996). [Original article and title are in Japanese]. Students and their professors: A guide for the college student with a disability. In Y. Tomiyasu, R. Komatsu, & T. Koyazu (Eds.), Support for university students with disabilities: A new feature of universities (pp. 153-229). Tokyo: Keio […]
1996: Book Chapters and Booklets

Teaching college students with disabilities: A guide for professors.

Fichten, C. S., Goodrick, G., Amsel, R., & Libman, E. (1996). [Original article and title are in Japanese]. Teaching college students with disabilities: A guide for professors. In Y. Tomiyasu, R. Komatsu, & T. Koyazu (Eds.), Support for university students with disabilities: A new feature of universities (pp. 233-323). Tokyo: Keio University Press.
1996: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Preparing students with disabilities for the college experience

Fichten, C. S., & Schipper, F. (1996). Preparing students with disabilities for the college experience. Applying Research to the Classroom, 14(3), 7-11.
1996: Refereed Conference Presentations

Nondisabled individuals’ reactions toward people with disabilities.

Fichten, C.S. (1996, August). Nondisabled individuals’ reactions toward people with disabilities. In D. Dunn, & T. Elliott (Co-Chairs), Advancing psychosocial theory in disability: The rehabilitation and social-personality psychology interface. Symposium at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto. Abstracted in Rehabilitation Psychology, 1996, 41(2), 166.
1996: Refereed Conference Presentations

Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale: A comparison between Canada and Australia.

Gething, L., & Fichten, C.S. (1996, August). Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale: A comparison between Canada and Australia. Presentation at the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal. Quebec, Abstracted in International Journal of Psychology, 31(3 & 4), 59. (#154.88).