Good sleep quality has been acknowledged as essential in cardiovascular and brain health. Sleep disturbance has a negative impact on daytime functioning and performance and is known to be associated with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, increased stress, and impaired physical health. Parasomnias, a variety of undesirable sleep-related events, can have detrimental impacts, such as sleep-related injuries, daytime sleepiness, and psychological distress. However, few studies about parasomnias in college students exist and almost none include post-secondary students with disabilities. Our goal is to identify dispositional and environmental factors associated with increased risk for parasomnias and negative nocturnal phenomena among post-secondary students with and without a variety of disabilities. We also intend to identify successful coping strategies and factors that are protective and/or enhance resilience. We plan to compile a series of interventions and preventive strategies to benefit both post-secondary students and health professionals.
This project is funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé.