King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success. Profweb.
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Fichten, C., in collaboration with King, L., Havel, A., Asuncion, J., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., Nguyen, M. N., Jorgensen, S., Amsel, R., Chauvin, A., Martiniello, N., Tibbs, A., Vo, C., Marcil, E., Lesage, G., Lussier, A., Schaffer, L., & Libman, E. (2016, April 1). Postsecondary students with disabilities what do they need, how do they […]
Budd, J., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., & Flanagan, T. (2016). Postsecondary students with specific learning disabilities and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should not be considered as a unified group for research or practice. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(4), 206-216.
Fichten, C. (2016). Recipient of the prix Acfas Denise-Barbeau 2016 pour la recherche au collégial. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montreal.
Lafleur, C. (2016, October 22). Prix Denise-Barbeau – recherche au collégial. Pour l’amour de la recherche… et du collège Dawson! Le Devoir.
Vo, C., Marcil, E., Jorgensen, M., & Fichten, C. (2016). Registering for access services in college: A focus on immigrant students with disabilities. Inspirations, 8(2), 30.
Marcil, E. (2016, May 4). Réseau de recherche Adaptech: Technologies de l’information et des communications. Independent Living – Montréal.
Sergarajasinghe-Ernest, R., & Wileman, S. (2016, October 14). Sharing strategies and building alliances [Invited speakers]. Dawson College’s Pedagogical Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.