
Autoclic is a mouse tool that allows users to click with the left mouse button at regular intervals or at random times.

Posting on Adobe accessibility: Quick thoughts on canadian legal ruling.

Fichten, C. S. (2010, December 1). Posting on Adobe accessibility Blog: Quick thoughts on canadian legal ruling. Retrieved from

eClipseReader-EyeNet 4.2

eClipseReader-EyeNet 4.2 is a DAISY book reader that uses the SAPI5 engine. This software also includes a text-to-speech enabled web browser.

Spell Check

SpellCheck is an online spellchecker. To start the spellchecking process, the user has to enter text into a textbox. SpellCheck then checks every word and if it finds a mistake…


WebCite creates a citation for a web page by auto-filling the citation fields or typing them manually. The user can copy the citation or add it to a bibliography. The…


Dualless splits the web browser’s tabs into different windows. The options for windows are 3:7, 4:6, 5:5:, 6:4, 7:3, and 1. The user can also pick between horizontal or vertical…

Clearly Reader – Your missing reader mode

This extension extracts text and removes links, ads or any other content. The “Reader View: neat and clean” allows students to change font style and size of writing, change the…

Thesaurus: Synonym 4 Right Click

extension that adds synonyms to the right click menu. All users have to do to get the synonyms of a word is highlight it and do a mouse right click….


tags. Users can find their notes by viewing the apps history or by the tags associated with the notes. Users can email their note and access their notes from….