
WordQ is word prediction software. It provides a list of words to choose from as you type the first few letters of each word. It can also pronounce each word,…

Talking Dictionary

The user can easily access the definition of any word that is displayed in the Talking Dictionary window by double clicking it. In addition, for each word the user looks…


Nib works by monitoring cursor movements on the screen. When the cursor pauses, Nib performs a mouse click for the user. The software automatically clicks when the mouse cursor ‘dwells’…

Spell Catcher X

Spell Catcher X is spellchecking software. It works with other software from its own window. Spell Catcher X also includes a dictionary and a thesaurus. This software also allows the…

Form Pilot Home for Mac

Form Pilot for Mac is a form filler software. It allows you to scan a form and fill it out on your computer instead of using a typewriter or writing…

The Magnifier

The Magnifier is a screen area Magnifier for Windows. The software supports 2 through 40 times magnification, and may be sized as needed or positioned anywhere on screen.


MouseStar is an application that transforms your mouse into a highly functional tool. Features include auto/move scroll, popdesk, lock computer, eject/close CD-ROM, scroll.


Joystick-To-Mouse is a Windows software program that allows any joystick to “point &, click” just like a standard mouse. Joystick-To-Mouse allows the joystick to position the mouse cursor and enables…

ScreenDoors 2000

screen. ScreenDoors 2000 acts just like the real keyboard typing directly into any application. A list of predicted words actually guesses what you are typing to help speed entry. ScreenDoors…

ABC Amber PDF Converter

ABC Amber PDF Converter is software that converts PDF files to other formats (HTML, RTF, DOC, MP3, XLS, MDB, TXT, WAV, DB, and others). ABC Amber PDF Converter does not…