
XMind is mind mapping software. It allows the user to link ideas, add images, organize ideas etc.


WordAid is a lexical word listing program. While it might look like word prediction software, the difference lies in the fact that the word list it gives doesn’t…


T-Bar is software that allows the user to mask part of the screen with a colored rectangle. The size, color, and opacity of this rectangle are customizable.


…a standard audio CD or downloaded to a portable MP3 player. The software also has a small word processor so that converted PDF files can be edited and read aloud….

WebbIE Web Browser 4

WebbIE is an accessible internet browser that converts web pages into simple text by removing graphics and rendering the content more accessible to screen readers. WebbIE has a…


KeyCounter counts the number of key depressions the user makes while typing and automatically suggests breaks after a set number of keystrokes are carried out. This application does…


This simple utility is an on-screen virtual mouse that allows the user to virtually left click, right click, double click, highlight and drag-drop actions.

Sonar 4

This software places a permanent ring around the pointer to assist individuals who have difficulty locating the mouse cursor due to a visual disability. This version introduces the…


ssOverlay is software that allows the user to apply a color “overlay” on the screen. The color and opacity are customizable….

Talking Calculator

This basic talking calculator software operates on its own speech engine. Every option in the program is read aloud including the mathematical results. What sets this program aside…