Interview questions for teachers: interviewer version

Adaptech Research Network. (2015). Interview questions for teachers: Interviewer version.

Successful job search strategies of graduates with disabilities [Coding manual]

Jorgensen, M., Marcil, E., Havel, A., Lussier, A., Schaffer, L., & King, L. (2016). Successful job search strategies of graduates with disabilities [Coding Manual]. Adaptech Research Network.

New publications

Staff Writers. (2000, January-February). New publications / Nouvelles publications, LT Highlights / TA en vedette, #6….

Our new research projects. EvNet News.

Staff Writers. (1999). Our new research projects / Nouveaux projets de recherche. EvNet News / Nouvelles EvNet, 3(2), 13-14….

Adaptech announces new report

Asuncion, J., Fichten, C.S., & Barile, M. (2002). Adaptech announces new report. NEADS Bulletin, No. 54, 14….

Adaptech examines technology in post-secondary study

Faba, N. (1999). Adaptech examines technology in post-secondary study /ADAPTECH mène une étude sur l’utilisation des technologies en milieu postsecondaire (1999). Bulletin NEADS Newsletter, No. 51, Fall, 1-2….