
WordQ is word prediction software. It provides a list of words to choose from as you type the first few letters of each word. It can also pronounce…

Hop! Étude / Hop! Study

Hop! Étude / Hop! Study includes four tools that help with organization. It comes with built-in mind mapping options. This software also includes a tool to help take notes, as…

Infovox iVox

Infovox iVox includes over 100 voices in 31 languages. When the voices are installed, they will appear in the Speech panel of the System Preferences and can then…


ICanEmail is a simple talking email program. The software features audio prompts when writing e-mails and text-to-speech playback.


Timer can be used either as a stopwatch or a countdown timer. Users can customize the timers by adding names and sounds for the alarm. The mouse and…


Keystrokes is an on-screen keyboard that allows users to type with a mouse, trackball, head pointer or other alternative mice. In addition, the software comes with word prediction in various…


iTracker allows the user to control the mouse with movements of their head. Other features include dwell click, stare at the same point for a predetermined number of seconds and…

Auto Clicker for Mac

…of the mouse cursor. Other features include choosing the maximum number of clicks, the time delay between clicks, and whether the Auto Clicker will be a right or left click….

VueScan 9.5

VueScan 9 is OCR software than converts scanned images into editable text. It can save the output from the scanned information into many formats such as PDF, JPG, and TIFF.

Curio 9

…and PDFs, mind maps, tables, etc. Curio Core can also help track the progress of tasks and prioritizing tasks that need to be completed at the same time. Many file…