This extension automatically highlights the important content on articles and other pages. To use, click the highlighter icon in the location bar. Clicking multiple times changes the highlighting coverage. As the page receives more highlighting from clicking the icon, the icon will show less available ink in the highlighter.
Details on Auto HighlightBeeLine Reader
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityBeeLine slowly changing the color gradient from word to word and line to line. This extension can improve students reading speed and focus as they may be less likely to skip words or lines due to the the text shifting from color to color. There are several preset color themes and some customization possible.
Details on BeeLine Readerboom! – Declutter pages, improve readability
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityDeclutter webpages and improve readability easily. Point, click, boom! The extension changes fonts, removes adds and paywalls.
Details on boom! – Declutter pages, improve readabilityCapti Voice
Scanning and OCR, Screen Reading, Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityCapti Voice allows students to easily add text, eBooks, PDFs, Google Docs, Dropbox and One Note files into the Capti interface and saves them on the Capti cloud drive. It allow students to easily listen to articles, reformat website text. Multiple languages available. Premium plans include translation and the ability to create audio playlist (ex: organize by class). Optical Character Recognition and dictation available with capti-coin. Currently OCR cost approximately 10c per page. Capti has iOS apps so students can access their files on the go.
Details on Capti VoiceClearly Reader
Screen Reading, Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityThis extension extracts text and removes links, adds or any other context. The “Reader View” allows students to change font style, and size of writing, change background theme and listen to the text aloud. The extension would be most beneficial if reading a longer text or article.
Details on Clearly ReaderDark Mode – Night Eye
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityNight Eye enables dark mode on any website. Works well on most websites. The extension includes several options including whether photos icons are inverted, brightness, blue light and contrast. The app includes keyboard command to turn the extension on and off.
Details on Dark Mode – Night EyeDark Reader
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityDark Reader is a Chrome extension that easily inverts the colors on a website. This includes the background, text color, and other items but does not include photographs. It allows for users to add sites to a list that they want to invert, or don’t want to invert (ex: if a site already has a black background. It’s a simple extension with limited options other than modifying contrast and brightness. The extension remains on when navigating the web. Upon testing, there does not appear to be any formatting issues or missing buttons.
Details on Dark ReaderDualless
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityDualless splits the web browser’s tabs into different windows. The options for windows are 3:7, 4:6, 5:5:, 6:4, 7:3, and 1. The user can also pick between horizontal or vertical displays.
Details on DuallessEvernote Web Clipper
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityEvernote Web Clipper is a tool that makes it easier to organize quotes, articles, web pages, PDFs and screenshots directly to Evernote. It is possible for instance, to take a screenshot of an item, highlight sections and annotate directly on the file. Each item can be organized in folders and shared with classmates. It is possible to save or view the files in a simplified view to eliminate distractions. Furthermore, it could be useful for students who simply want to save a source or quote without having to read the full article again when writing a paper. Helpful tools: for note taking, organizing school documents, and organizing resources for papers.
Details on Evernote Web ClipperFlashTabs
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityFlashTabs lets the user create decks filled with virtual flashcards in order to study. On a free account, the user can make up to 3 decks, 100 cards per deck, and add images to each card’s front and back sides. The user can also rate how well they remember the answer to a flashcard, download and upload a deck from previous versions of FlashTabs. An account is required in order to use FlashTabs.
Details on FlashTabs