
50000 Free eBooks & Audiobooks

50000 Free eBooks and AudioBooks is an eBook reader that provides access to public domain free eBooks and audiobooks. The user can choose from the app’s library or import their own EPUB, MOBI or TXT books.

When reading eBooks, the user can customize the size and colour of the font, the colour of the background, as well as the contrast and brightness of the screen. Audibooks are simple recordings and cannot be customized (although the user can rewind and/or fast forward).

50000 Free eBooks and Audiobooks limits the number of books that can be downloaded per internet connection (i.e., 10-15 books per 12-hour period).

Supported Language(s): English and Hindi
Download Size (Mb): 9.25
System Requirements: 4.1 or later
Price: Free; Remove ads for $5.88/year
Developer: Oodles
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