2016: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Postsecondary students with specific learning disabilities and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should not be considered as a unified group for research or practice.

Budd, J., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., & Flanagan, T. (2016). Postsecondary students with specific learning disabilities and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should not be considered as a unified group for research or practice. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(4), 206-216. https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v4i4.1255
2015: Refereed Conference Presentations

Towards meaningful and representative groups: Can LD, ADHD, and comorbid LD & ADHD be construed as one unified group [Poster session]?

Budd, J., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel., A., & Flanagan, T. (2015, June 4-6). Towards meaningful and representative groups: Can LD, ADHD, and comorbid LD & ADHD be construed as one unified group [Poster session]? 76th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
2010: Refereed Conference Presentations

How accessible is social media to Ontario’s college and university students with disabilities?

Asuncion, J. V., Budd, J., Gaulin, C., Barile, M., Amsel, R., & Flanagan, T. (2010, June). How accessible is social media to Ontario’s college and university students with disabilities? Presentation at the Aiming for Accessibility: Meeting standards, making change conference, Guelph, Ontario.