2003: Refereed Conference Presentations

Étudiants ayant des incapacités au Collège Dawson: Taux de diplomation

Jorgensen, S., Havel, A., Fichten, C. S., Lamb, D., James, C., Barile, M., & Tam, R. (2003, May). Étudiants ayant des incapacités au Collège Dawson: Taux de diplomation. Presentation at the annual conference of l’Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) dans la cadre du 70e Congrès de l’Acfas, Rimouski, Québec.
2002: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Adaptech Project research and technology demonstration

Asuncion, J. V., Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Guimont, J. P., James, C., Judd, D., Lamb, D., & Tam, R. (2002, February). Adaptech Project research and technology demonstration. Presentation at the Dawson and Adaptech Technology Exposition (DATE). Montreal, Quebec.
2002: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Free and inexpensive computer technologies for students with print impairments: The “MP3 Project”

Lamb, D., Tam, R., & Fichten, C. S. (2002, February). Free and inexpensive computer technologies for students with print impairments: The “MP3 Project.” Presentation at the Dawson and Adaptech Technology Exposition (DATE), Montreal, Quebec.
2000: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Les NTIC et les étudiants ayant des handicaps au postsecondaire – Recherches empiriques à valeur pragmatique : repères pour l’adaptation de l’éducation

Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Robillard, C., Asuncion, J., Fossey, M. E., Lavers, J., Généreux, C., Guimont, J. P., Judd, D., Alapin, I., Fima, R., Lamb, D., Schipper, F., & Tam, R. (2000). Les NTIC et les étudiants ayant des handicaps au postsecondaire – Recherches empiriques à valeur pragmatique : repères pour l’adaptation de l’éducation. […]