2024: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology [Invited speakers]

Pickup, D. I., Borokhovski, E. F., Vo, C., Schmid, R. F., & Fichten, C. S. (2024, January 23). SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology [Invited speakers]. SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Forum – Shifting Dynamics of Priviliege and Marginalization, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2024: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology

Pickup, D. I., Borokhovski, E. F., Vo, C., Schmid, R. F., & Fichten, C. S. (2024, December). SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: Marginalization, privilege, and intersectionality in post-secondary students with disabilities: AI-based assistive technology. Unpublished manuscript.
2024: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

A hidden epidemic of parasomnias among post-secondary students: Prevalence and psychological correlates [Poster presentation]

Liao, H., Fichten, C., Libman, E., Bailes, S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Qin, Y., Creti, L., Zlotea, B., Vo, C., Budd, J., Vasseur, A., & Pierre-Sindor, T. (2024, April 12). A hidden epidemic of parasomnias among post-secondary students: Prevalence and psychological correlates [Poster presentation]. McGill University Thesis Poster Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2023: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Browser extensions for post-secondary students with disabilities

Fichten, C., Arcuri, R., Vo, C., Vasseur, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2023). Browser extensions for post-secondary students with disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v11i2.5867
2023: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Chronotype and sleep quality during remote and in-person activities in an academic context [Poster presentation]

Costin, G., Jorgensen, M., Wileman, S., Havel, A., Wing, S., Creti, L., Bailes, S., Libman, E., Vasseur, A., Ereshchenko, D., Vo, C., & Fichten, C. (2023, April 13). Chronotype and sleep quality during remote and in-person activities in an academic context [Poster presentation]. McGill University Undergraduate Poster Day at the Department of Psychology, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2023: Refereed Conference Presentations

Comment les expériences récentes d’enseignement et de travail à distance ont-elles affecté le sommeil et le bien-être du personnel du collège [Conference presentation]?

Wing, S., Costin, G., Havel, A., Wileman, S., Jorgensen, M., Harvison, M., Vasseur, A., Ereshchenko, D., Boffa, G., Vo, C., Creti, L., Bailes, S., Libman, E., & Fichten, C. (2023, May 8). Comment les expériences récentes d’enseignement et de travail à distance ont-elles affecté le sommeil et le bien-être du personnel du collège [Conference presentation]? 90e Congrès […]
2022: Refereed Conference Presentations

The use of browser extensions as AT: Are we there yet [Conference presentation]?

Arcuri, R., Vo, C., Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., Harvison, M., & Vasseur, A. (2022, March 15). The use of browser extensions as AT: Are we there yet [Conference presentation]? 37th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, Anaheim, CA, United States.