2008: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Accessibility and students with disabilities / L’accessibilité et les élèves handicapés.

Fichten, C. S., Martiniello, N., & Tibbs, A. (2008). Accessibility and students with disabilities / L’accessibilité et les élèves handicapés. Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) annual report 2007-2008, p. 8-10.
2008: Peer Reviewed Proceedings and ERIC Documents

Predicting student attrition – How helpful are surveys?

Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C. S., & Havel, A. (2008, October). Predicting student attrition – How helpful are surveys? Proceedings of the Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association (CIRPA) annual convention, Quebec City, Quebec.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Obstacles and Facilitators to the academic success of college students with disabilities.

Barile, M., Fichten, C.S., Jorgensen, S., Havel, A., Landry, M.E., Fiset, D., Juhel, J.C., T treault, S., Ferraro, V., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M., Alapin, I., Arcuri, R., Huard, G., & Amsel, R. (2008, August). Obstacles and Facilitators to the academic success of college students with disabilities. Presentation at the World Congress on Rehabilitation, Quebec.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Accessibility of eLearning and information and computer technologies to postsecondary students with disabilities.

Fichten, C.S. (2008, August). Accessibility of eLearning and information and computer technologies to postsecondary students with disabilities. In C.S. Fichten (Chair), Symposium on College and university education for individuals with disabilities: A formula for success. Presentation at the World Congress on Rehabilitation, Quebec City, August 2008.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

eLearning and postsecondary students with visual impairments.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J.V., Barile, M., Nguyen, M.N., Martiniello. N., Budd, J., Ferraro V., Wolforth, J., & Malik, R. (2008). eLearning and postsecondary students with visual impairments. Presentation at Vision 2008: The 9th International Conference on Low Vision, Québec.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Meeting the eLearning and the computer and information technology needs of postsecondary students with visual impairments.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J.V., Barile, M., Nguyen, M.N., Martiniello, N., Budd, J., Ferraro, V., Wolforth, J., & Malik, R. (2008, July). Meeting the eLearning and the computer and information technology needs of postsecondary students with visual impairments. Presentation at the 9th international conference on low vision: Vision 2008, Montreal, Québec.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

College and university education for individuals with disabilities: A formula for success.

Fichten, C.S., Barile, M., Havel, A., Wolforth, J., & Jorgensen, S. (2008, August). College and university education for individuals with disabilities: A formula for success. Presentation at the World Congress on Rehabilitation, Quebec. Abstracted in Livre des résumés – Book of Abstracts, 32.4. Session, p. 85 (98).
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Accessibility of eLearning and information and computer technologies to postsecondary students with disabilities.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J., Barile, M., Ferraro, V., Nguyen, M., Gaulin, C., Landry, M.E., Chwojka, C., Wolforth, J., James, C., Budd, J., Hewlett, M., L vesque, J., Malik, R., Guimont, J.P., Martiniello, N., Klomp, R., Arcuri, R., Tibbs, A., Lamb, D., Moisey, S., Smith, F., Oberl , A., Alcorn MacKay, S., & Annable, G. (2008, […]
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Predicting student attrition – How helpful are surveys?

Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C.S., & Havel, A. (2008, October). Predicting student attrition – How helpful are surveys? Presentation at the Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association (CIRPA) annual convention, Quebec.
2008: Refereed Conference Presentations

Improving college success: Reasons for leaving and predictors of attrition – how do males and females and students with and without disabilities differ?

Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C.S., & Havel, A. (2008, May). Improving college success: Reasons for leaving and predictors of attrition – how do males and females and students with and without disabilities differ? Presentation at the Association for Institutional Research annual convention, Seattle.