2016: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Theory of planned behavior predicts graduation intentions of Canadian and Israeli postsecondary students with and without learning disabilities / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Fichten, C. S., Heiman, T., Jorgensen, M., Nguyen, M. N., Havel, A., King, L., Budd, J., & Amsel, R. (2016). Theory of planned behavior predicts graduation intentions of Canadian and Israeli postsecondary students with and without learning disabilities / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Journal of Higher Education, 5(1), 208-219. https://doi.org/10.5430/ijhe.v5n1p208
2016: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Postsecondary students with specific learning disabilities and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should not be considered as a unified group for research or practice.

Budd, J., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., & Flanagan, T. (2016). Postsecondary students with specific learning disabilities and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should not be considered as a unified group for research or practice. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(4), 206-216. https://doi.org/10.11114/jets.v4i4.1255
2016: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/making-the-grade-college-students-with-disabilities-and-academic-success
2016: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2016, February 16). Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/franchir-le-seuil-etudiants-en-situation-de-handicap-et-reussite-au-collegial
2016: Refereed Conference Presentations

Use of ICTs in Canadian and Israeli higher education: Views of students with and without disabilities [Conference presentation]

Heiman, T., Fichten, C. S., Olenik-Shemesh,D., Kaspi-Tsahor, D., King, L., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., Havel, A., Asuncion, J., & Nguyen, M. N. (2016, May 23-25). Use of ICTs in Canadian and Israeli higher education: Views of students with and without disabilities [Conference presentation]. 15th Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, Jerusalem, Israel.
2016: Refereed Conference Presentations

Dans les mots de Dédé Fortin : « Bonyeu donne moé une job » [Poster session]

Marcil, E., King, L., Havel, A., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Asuncion, J., Budd, J., Schaffer, L., Lussier, A., Vo., C., & Vitouchanskaia, C. (2016, May 10). Dans les mots de Dédé Fortin : « Bonyeu donne moé une job » [Poster session]. 84e congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Montréal, QC, Canada.
2016: Refereed Conference Presentations

Les deux côtés de la médaille : la perception des élèves de l’usage que font leurs enseignantes et enseignants des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) [Poster session]

Jorgensen, M., Fichten, C. S., Budd, J., King, L., Havel, A., Marcil, E., Lussier, A., Vo, C., Nguyen, M. N., Asuncion, J., Vitouchanskaia, C., Chauvin, A., Schaffer, L., Raymond, O., Lesage, G., Amsel, R., & Poldma, T. (2016, May 10). Les deux côtés de la médaille : La perception des élèves de l’usage que font […]
2016: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Les deux côtés de la médaille : La perception des étudiants de l’utilisation que font leurs enseignants des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) [Poster]

Jorgensen, M., Fichten, C. S., Budd, J., King, L., Havel, A., Marcil, E., Lussier, A., Vo, C., Nguyen, M. N., Asuncion, J., Vitouchanskaia, C., Chauvin, A., Schaffer, L., Raymond, O., Lesage, G., Amsel, R., & Poldma, T. (2016, June 2). Les deux côtés de la médaille : La perception des étudiants de l’utilisation que font […]
2016: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Sustainability of disability-related services in Canada – Israel: Will the real universal design please stand up?

Fichten, C. S., Heiman, T., Havel, A., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., & King, L. (2016). Sustainability of disability-related services in Canada and Israel: Will the real universal design please stand up? Exceptionality Education International, 26(1), 19-35. https://doi.org/10.5206/eei.v26i1.7733
2016: Refereed Conference Presentations

Theory of planned behavior predicts graduation intentions of college and university students with and without learning disabilities/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Canada and Israel [Poster session]

Fichten, C. S., Heiman, T., Nguyen, M. N., Amsel, R., & Olenik-Shemesh, D. (2016, August 26-28). Theory of planned behavior predicts graduation intentions of college and university students with and without learning disabilities / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Canada and Israel [Poster session]. ICAP 2016: 18th International Conference on Applied Psychology, Tokyo, Japan.