2012: Refereed Conference Presentations

We are not the same – or are we: College students and information and communication technologies

King, L., Nguyen, M. N., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., Barile, M., Mimouni, Z., Chauvin, A., Budd, J., Raymond, O., & Juhel, J.-C. (2012, March). We are not the same – or are we: College students and information and communication technologies. Presentation at the 37e congrès annuel de l’Institut des troubles d’apprentissage (AQETA), Montréal, Québec.
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Teaching and Learning in an Accessible Way.

King, L., Chauvin, A., Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., Abrami, A., & Jorgensen, M. (2012, November 23). Teaching and Learning in an Accessible Way. Webinar for the Association pour les applications pédagogiques de l’ordinateur au postsecondaire (APOP).
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Using information and communication technologies to improve college success for students with learning disabilities.

Fichten, C. S., King, L., Nguyen, M. N., Barile, M., Havel, A., Chauvin, A., Budd, J., Mimouni, Z., Raymond, O., & Juhel, J.-C. (2012, October). Using information and communication technologies to improve college success for students with learning disabilities. Presentation at the “Let’s Talk About Research” seminar series, Centre de recherche pour l’inclusion scolaire et […]
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Résultats préliminaires sur la situation d’emploi des diplômés et des décrocheurs postsecondaires en situation de handicap au Canada.

Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., Barile, M., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., & Amsel, R. (2012, June). Résultats préliminaires sur la situation d’emploi des diplômés et des décrocheurs postsecondaires en situation de handicap au Canada. Presentation for the Comité d’adaptation de la main-d’oeuvre (CAMO) pour personnes handicapées, Montreal, Quebec.
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Accessible Education and also Education and Training on Accessibility Self-Learning.

Fichten, C. S. (2012, May). Accessible Education and also Education and Training on Accessibility Self-Learning. Invited panel member. DEEP 2012: Designing Enabling Economies and Policies – A G3ict International Inquiry on ICT Accessibility. Toronto, Ontario.
2011: Peer Reviewed Proceedings and ERIC Documents

Au-delà du déterminisme : les expériences de lecture antérieures sont-elles vraiment garantes des performances actuelles?

Chauvin, A., King, L., Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., Havel, A., Mimouni, Z., Gutberg, J., Barile, M., & Jorgensen, S. (2011). Au-delà du déterminisme : les expériences de lecture antérieures sont-elles vraiment garantes des performances actuelles? (10 pages). Proceedings of the 31e colloque de l’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC): Enseigner et apprendre en […]
2011: Book Chapters and Booklets

Information and communication technologies (ICTs): Then and now.

Fichten, C. S. (2011). Information and communication technologies (ICTs): Then and now. In L. Beachell (Ed.), Celebrating our accomplishments (pp. 66-67). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Council of Canadians with Disabilities.
2011: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Hotline: Students with disabilities speak out.

Martiniello, N., Barile, M., Budd, J., Nguyen, M. N., & Fichten, C. S. (2011). Hotline: Students with disabilities speak out. Communiqué, 12(1), 14-15.