King, L., Lussier, A., Havel, A., Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., & Marcil, E. (2016, May 10). Cinquante nuances de la recherche en enseignement : Au service de la création d’un manuel de codage [Poster session]. 84e congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Montréal, QC, Canada.
Marcil, E. (2016, May 4). Adaptech Research Network: Information and communication technologies (ICTs). Independent Living- Montreal.
Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., Asuncion, J., Martiniello, N., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., Amsel, R., & Libman, E. (2016). An exploratory study of college and university students with visual impairment in Canada: Grades and graduation. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 34(1), 91– 100.
Lussier, A., & King, L., in collaboration with Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Marcil, E., Budd, J., Vitouchanskaia, C., Asuncion, J., & Schaffer, L. (2016, June 2). Apprendre des meilleurs [Invited speakers]. Cégep André-Laurendeau’s Research and Pedagogical Day, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Vo, C., Budd, J., Marcil, E., Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., & Havel, A. (2016, August). Below the surface: Built-in features of Windows 10 [Poster session]. Summer Student Research Expo at Dawson College, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Marcil, E. (2016). Prize for best title for a poster. Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC)
Thomson, R., Fichten, C., Havel, A., Budd, J., & Asuncion, J. (2016, January 28-30). Blending universal design, e-learning, and information and communication technologies in higher education [Conference presentation]. Impact Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Fichten, C. (2016). Appointed to the Advisory Board of the National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) at AHEAD, United States
King, L., Havel, A., Fichten, C., Jorgensen, M., Budd, J., Amsel, R., Vitouchanskaia, C., Lussier, A., & Poldma, T. (2016, January 28-30). Connecting the dots: How student data on their use of ICTs fits into a UDL framework [Conference presentation]. Impact Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Fichten, C. (2016). Recipient of the CSUN Fred Strache Leadership Award. California State University.