ICTs for postsecondary students with learning Disabilities: Students vs experts.

Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., King, L., Havel, A., Mimouni, Z., Barile, M., Raymond, O., Budd, J., Chauvin, A., Juhel, J.-C., Gaulin, C., & Fortin, C. (2012). ICTs for postsecondary students with learning disabilities: Students vs experts. Rendez-vous, 25(2), 26-29.

Inclusion: Yesterday and today.

Raymond, O. (2012). Inclusion: Yesterday and today. Pédagogie collégiale, 25(4), 4-8.

L’éducation durable et les étudiants ayant une incapacité.

Barile, M., & Martiniello, N. (2012). L’éducation durable et les étudiants ayant une incapacité. Hermes – Biannual Newsletter of Québec Association of Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities (AQEIPS), 15, 18-19.

L’inclusion d’hier à demain

Raymond, O. (2012). L’inclusion d’hier à demain. Pédagogie collégiale, 25(4), 4-8.