College and university education for individuals with disabilities: A formula for success.

Fichten, C.S., Barile, M., Havel, A., Wolforth, J., & Jorgensen, S. (2008, August). College and university education for individuals with disabilities: A formula for success. Presentation at the World Congress on Rehabilitation, Quebec. Abstracted in Livre des résumés – Book of Abstracts, 32.4. Session, p. 85 (98).

Cote de rendement au collégial (cote R) et expériences scolaires: diplômés handicapés et non-handicapés.

Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C.S., & Havel, A. (2008, May). Cote de rendement au collégial (cote R) et expériences scolaires: diplômés handicapés et non-handicapés. Presentation at the Congrès de l’Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) dans la cadre du 76e Congrès de l’Acfas, Québec. Abstracted in ARC Colloque 2008. La recherche collégiale en équipe: états […]

e-Learning benefits, problems and solutions coding manual.

Ferraro, V., Fichten, C. S., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M., Barile, M., & Asuncion, J. V. (2008). e-Learning benefits, problems and solutions coding manual. Montreal, Canada: Adaptech Research Network, Dawson College.

eLearning and postsecondary students with visual impairments.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J.V., Barile, M., Nguyen, M.N., Martiniello. N., Budd, J., Ferraro V., Wolforth, J., & Malik, R. (2008). eLearning and postsecondary students with visual impairments. Presentation at Vision 2008: The 9th International Conference on Low Vision, Québec.