Nouvelles perspectives sur la convivialité des techniques.
Lougheed, T. (2000, June-July). Nouvelles perspectives sur la convivialité des techniques. Affaires universitaires. 24-27.
Lougheed, T. (2000, June-July). Nouvelles perspectives sur la convivialité des techniques. Affaires universitaires. 24-27.
Judd, D. (2000). Participant in a commercial for the Montreal Association for the Blind, Montreal, Quebec.
Asuncion, J. (2000, August). Postsecondary Student Panel. Invited panelist at the 2000 College and University Preparation Program, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Toronto, Ontario.
Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J., & Généreux, C. (2000, June). Postsecondary students with disabilities and computer technologies. Presentation at the SSHRC EvNet Site Visit, Cornwall, Ontario.
Asuncion, J., & Vida, S. (2000, April). Preparing students with disabilities for the job market through equitable access to postsecondary education and technology. Presentation at Wellsizing the Work Place, Toronto, Ontario.
Généreux, C. (2000). Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the Social Well-Being of Quebeckers. Government of Quebec.
Staff Writers. (2000, May-June). Projects – Learning Technologies: Adaptech Project: Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education / Projets : Projet Adaptech : l’Utilisation des technologies d’apprentissage par les étudiant(e)s handicapé(e)s au niveau postsecondaire. LT Highlights / TA en vedette, #8.
Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Robillard, C., Fossey, M. E., Généreux, C., & Guimont, J. P. (2000). Projet Adaptech: Collège Dawson – Informatique et technologies adaptées dans les cégeps. In A. Cantin (Chair). Les TIC : qu’est-ce que ça change pour les sciences humaines? Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Association pour les […]
Fichten, C. S. (2000). Promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University.
Staff Writers. (2000, September 6). Publications of note: “New Adaptech report.” The NODE: Networking, 4(13).