Nouvelles du 9e colloque de l’A.R.C.
Raiche, G. (1997). Nouvelles du 9e colloque de l’A.R.C. Le Bulletin de l’A.R.C., 10(2), 10.
Raiche, G. (1997). Nouvelles du 9e colloque de l’A.R.C. Le Bulletin de l’A.R.C., 10(2), 10.
Fichten, C. S., Amsel, R., Robillard, K., Sabourin, S., & Wright, J. (1997). Personality, attentional focus, and novelty effects: Attitudes toward peers with disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology, 42(3), 209-230.
Fichten, C.S. (1997, July). Postsecondary students with disabilities: Opportunities and abilities. Presentation at the Second Japan Conference of the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD), Tokyo, Japan.
Schipper, F. (1997-1998). Member of the Shriners Hospital for Children Sexuality Committee.
Schipper, F. (1997). Certified “Administrator of Volunteer Resources – CAVR” by the Canadian Administration of Volunteer Resources.