2015 – Adaptech’s research gets published!

The article ”Utilisation des TIC par les enseignants: Quel est le niveau de satisfaction des cégépiens?” gets published by Profweb [online]. King, L., Lussier, A., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Budd, J., Asuncion, J., Nguyen,, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Utilisation des TIC par les enseignants: Quel est […]

2015 – Adaptech’s research gets published!

The article ”Teachers’ use of ICTs: What do students think?” gets published by Profweb [online]. King, L., Lussier, A., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Havel, A., Budd, J., Asuncion, J., Nguyen,, M. N., Amsel, R., Raymond, O., & Poldma, T. (2015). Teachers’ use of ICTs: What do students think? Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/teachers-use-of-icts-what-do-students-think

2015 – Adaptech’s research gets published!

The article ”Curb-cuts in the classroom: French language instruction at Dawson College” gets published in the Inspirations magazine. Havel, A., & Wileman, S. (2015). Curb-cuts in the classroom: French language instruction at Dawson College. Inspirations, Fall 2015 / Winter 2016, 16. Retrieved from http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf/Editions/Inspirations_winter-1113.pdf

2015- Adaptech’s research gets published!

The article “Paving the road to success: Technology and students with disabilities” gets published in the Inspirations magazine. Marcil, E., & Fichten, C. (2015). Paving the road to success: Technology and students with disabilities. Inspirations, Fall 2015 / Winter 2016, 16. Retrieved from http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf/Editions/Inspirations_winter-1113.pdf

2015 – L’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale pays tribute to Alice Havel

L’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale pays tribute to Alice Havel for her dedication to the inclusion of students with disabilities, her contribution to the research to change pedagogical practices and her commitment to promoting the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in education. Congratulations Alice! Staff Writers. (2015). L’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale pays […]

Adaptech’s research gets published!

The article on the ”Employment realities of recent junior/community college and university graduates and premature leavers with disabilities” gets published in the International Journal of Disability, Community, and Rehabilitation. Jorgensen, M., Fichten, C.S., Nguyen, M.N., Budd, J., Barile, M., Asuncion, J., Amsel, R., Tibbs, A., & Jorgensen, S. (2015). Employment realities of recent junior/community college […]

June 2015 – Adaptech presented at the CPA Annual Convention

Catherine Fichten, Mary Jorgensen, Jill Budd, Alice Havel, and Mai Nguyen presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention in Ottawa. Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., & Lesage, G. (2015, June). Students with disabilities in higher education: Four years later. Presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Ottawa. Jorgensen, […]

June 2015 – Laura King presented at AQPC

Laura King presented on ”La recette du succès pour la recherche collaborative” at the 35th annual colloquium of the Association Québécoise de Pédagogie Collégiale (AQPC) in Chicoutimi, Quebec. http://inscription.aqpc.qc.ca/fileroot/activites/2015AQPC/696/aqpc_2015_laura_final_1.pptx