Les technologies : un Dragon dans la salle de classe.

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The dragon in the classroom: Using ICTs to help ALL students succeed.

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Accessibility of Social Media for Students Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision.

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Catherine Fichten & Daniel Lamb of the Adaptech Project.

Personnel responsable de la rédaction. (2002). Catherine Fichten & Daniel Lamb of the Adaptech Project. NEADS Conference Report. Disponible le 21 décembre 2002 à http://www.neads.ca/conference2002/english/audio/c_fichten.html…

The alphabet soup of universal design.

Havel, A. (2017, février). The alphabet soup of universal design. Salle de rédaction – Collège Dawson. https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/sites/130/Alphabet-Soup-of-Universal-Design-AHcf-.pdf

Study focuses on success of CEGEP students with disabilities.

…M., Jorgensen, S. et Havel, A. (2010). Study focuses on success of CEGEP students with disabilities. Inspirations – A Snapshot of Our Special Needs Community, 2(2), 6. Provenant de http://www.emsb.qc.ca/en/pressroom_en/pdf/Inspirations_spring2010.pdf…

Facilitators and barriers as a hard of hearing translator

(2013). Facilitators and barriers as a hard of hearing translator. Conseil des Canadiens avec Déficiences: Obtenir et conserver un emploi: Les clés de la réussite. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Provenant de http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/socialpolicy/employment/Getting#Contents…

Teachers saving the semester by going online

Rédacteurs d’équipe. (2020). Teachers saving the semester by going online. Dawson Employee News. https://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/news/dawson-community/teachers-saving-the-semester-by-going-online/