2017: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Get down to work: An exploratory study of employment among post-secondary graduates with disabilities

Marcil, E., King, L., Havel., A., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M. et Budd, J. (2017). Get down to work: An exploratory study of employment among post-secondary graduates with disabilities. Inspirations, 10(1), 11. http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf/Editions/Inspirations_fall2017-web-Nov16.pdf
2017: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Post-secondary students access assistive technology with help of parents

Havel, A., King, L., Harvison, M. et Vo, C. (2017). Post-secondary students access assistive technology with help of parents. Inspirations, 10(1), 27. https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/emsb/inspirations/editions/Inspirations_fall2017-web-Nov22.pdf
2016: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A. et Jorgensen, M. (2016, 16 février). Making the grade: College students with disabilities and academic success. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/making-the-grade-college-students-with-disabilities-and-academic-success
2016: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial

King, L., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A. et Jorgensen, M. (2016, 16 février). Franchir le seuil : Étudiants en situation de handicap et réussite au collégial. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/franchir-le-seuil-etudiants-en-situation-de-handicap-et-reussite-au-collegial
2016: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Registering for access services in college: A focus on immigrant students with disabilities

Vo, C., Marcil, E., Jorgensen, M. et Fichten, C. (2016). Registering for access services in college: A focus on immigrant students with disabilities. Inspirations, 8(2), 30. http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf/Editions/Inspirations_summer-160418.pdf
2016: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Trésors cachés : des TIC gratuites ou peu coûteuses pour les étudiants du collégial

Fichten, C., King, L., Budd, J., Havel, A., Marcil, E., Vo, C. et Jorgensen, M. (2016, 7 juin). Trésors cachés : des TIC gratuites ou peu coûteuses pour les étudiants du collégial. Profweb. http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/tresors-caches-des-tic-gratuites-ou-peu-couteuses-pour-les-etudiants-du-collegial
2016: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

Work it out: Employment and postsecondary graduates with disabilities

Marcil, E., King, L., Havel, A., Fichten, C. et Jorgensen, M. (2016). Work it out: Employment and postsecondary graduates with disabilities. Communiqué, 17(2), 22-23. https://issuu.com/cacuss/docs/communique_oct_2016/22
2015: Articles de magazines, bulletins, rapports, résumés et sites Web

The collaborative parent-teacher interview

Havel, A. et Budd, J. (2015, 16 janvier). The collaborative parent-teacher interview. Perspectives! The Official Newsletter of the Montreal Centre for Learning Disabilities.