

TextAloud is a text-to-speech application that reads text out loud. Users can open TXT, HTML, DOCX and ePub (no drm) files in the app. TextAloud runs in the background of the device so that when text is copied to the clipboard, it will automatically be sent to the app (this feature can be disabled). The app comes with 2 English voices (1 female, 1 male) however, more voices can be purcahsed within the app for $2.79 each. Users can change the background of the text (black, white, and sepia), size of the font, speed of the voice, and whether or not the app highlights words as it reads. TextAloud also includes Dropbox integration.

Supported Language(s): English
Download Size (Mb): 145
System Requirements: iOS 6.1 or later
Price: 6,99
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