

iOS, Other

Verbally is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app. Users can select words/phrases, or combine preset words/phrases while manually typing in words/phrases that can then be read aloud. The free version comes with 2 voices to choose from.

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iOS, Other

VizWiz allows users to take a picture of something, then send an email asking what the picture is, and someone will email you in real time about what you took a picture of.

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iOS, Other

This app shows your current location and the location of wheelchair-accessible places nearby on a map. One can also search for different locations and add new wheelchair-accessible spots.

Details on Wheelmap

Wikipanion for iPad

iOS, Other

This app is designed to making searching in Wikipedia easier. The user can search Wikipedia in any language that the app supports, enlarge or decrease the font, change the font from serif to sans serif, create bookmarks of what they searched, lookup words in the wiktionary and more.

Details on Wikipanion for iPad

Write & Say • Talking text editor with translator and Dropbox

iOS, Other

This app is a text editor with text-to-speech, Dropbox synchronization, a translator in 60 languages (including Spanish, French, German, English, Chinese), and the capability to export and mail documents as MP3 voice files. There are 52 new male and female text-to-speech voices included. It is compatible with the voice dictation feature in iPhone 4S and the new iPad 3, allowing the user to dictate in the text editor view instead of typing it. Documents can be exported and imported via other apps, such as Dropbox, Evernote and Twitter. The speech audio files can be exported via iTunes and played on a computer or MP3 player. Other documents, such as emails, text documents and web pages can be copied and pasted into this app and be read aloud for the reader. The font size can also be enlarged (with sizes ranging from 8 to 72).

Details on Write & Say • Talking text editor with translator and Dropbox