ATBar is a free open source toolbar with multiple assistive technology tools. The full version is available for chrome, but a Lite version is available for other browsers and for Windows. The extension allows users to change text sizes, styles, colors, spacing and color overlays. However, settings reset for each new page. The dictionary works well. Text-to-speech functionality is available on many pages but does not work on Google or Microsoft. Spellchecker, word prediction and tool do not appear to function consistently in August 2021.
Details on ATBarAuto Highlight
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityThis extension automatically highlights the important content on articles and other pages. To use, click the highlighter icon in the location bar. Clicking multiple times changes the highlighting coverage. As the page receives more highlighting from clicking the icon, the icon will show less available ink in the highlighter.
Details on Auto HighlightBeeLine Reader
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityBeeLine slowly changing the color gradient from word to word and line to line. This extension can improve students reading speed and focus as they may be less likely to skip words or lines due to the the text shifting from color to color. There are several preset color themes and some customization possible.
Details on BeeLine ReaderBibItNow!
Chrome Browser Extensions, Dictionary/ReferenceBibItNow! is a citation tool that, when added as a browser extension, extracts relevant information that can be organized in various referencing styles such as APA or MLA. While the references generated may not result in perfect citations, it still provides pertinent information such as title of the work, authors, issue, etc. that users may then adjust to respect citation guidelines. This tool generates citations for websites, web pages, and PDFs opened in browsers.
Details on BibItNow!boom! – Declutter pages, improve readability
Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityDeclutter webpages and improve readability easily. Point, click, boom! The extension changes fonts, removes adds and paywalls.
Details on boom! – Declutter pages, improve readabilityCapti Voice
Scanning and OCR, Screen Reading, Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityCapti Voice allows students to easily add text, eBooks, PDFs, Google Docs, Dropbox and One Note files into the Capti interface and saves them on the Capti cloud drive. It allow students to easily listen to articles, reformat website text. Multiple languages available. Premium plans include translation and the ability to create audio playlist (ex: organize by class). Optical Character Recognition and dictation available with capti-coin. Currently OCR cost approximately 10c per page. Capti has iOS apps so students can access their files on the go.
Details on Capti VoiceCite This For Me: Web Citer
Chrome Browser Extensions, Dictionary/ReferenceCite This For Me: Web Citer is designed to extract information from websites and automatically create citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles. This tool helps users by providing them with the information necessary for correct referencing, however it is recommended that the references still be visually inspected and modified so that they respct referencing guidelines.
Details on Cite This For Me: Web CiterClearly Reader
Screen Reading, Chrome Browser Extensions, Organization/ProductivityThis extension extracts text and removes links, adds or any other context. The “Reader View” allows students to change font style, and size of writing, change background theme and listen to the text aloud. The extension would be most beneficial if reading a longer text or article.
Details on Clearly ReaderClick-free Browsing
Chrome Browser Extensions, Alternative MiceClick-free Browsing allows anyone to navigate their Chrome extension without clicking any buttons on the mouse. This extension creates a visual toolbar at the right of the screen, which will allow the user to hover over an icon to perform an action. This includes going to specific tabs going back or forward a page as well as scrolling. The toolbar is movable and resizable. It has a very simple design which is user-friendly. This extension is difficult to use if a user has a visual impairment.
Details on Click-free Browsingcoffeelings
Chrome Browser Extensions, OtherCoffeelings is a journaling web extension where the user can write about their day or anything else in a textbox and pick a mood based on a selection of “coffee roasts” daily. The web extension will show a calender of blocked colours based on the days that have journal entries and a colour based on the selected coffee roast. The web extension can also work offline.
Details on coffeelings