Google Drive is online storage space for a multitude of documents such as, photos, docs, and videos. This app allows users to access their Google Drive account and open/edit files. Users can edit Office documents and view PDFs. In addition, users can make their documents available offline so they don’t need internet connection to view their files.
Details on Google DriveGoogle Keep
Organization/Productivity, AndroidGoogle Keep is a note taking app that allows users to take notes and create to do lists. Users can create voice notes that records the user’s speech and converts it into text. Users can also add colors and pictures to their notes.
Details on Google KeepHomeWork
Organization/Productivity, AndroidThis app is a homework manager that allows users to input homework tasks and view their entries on a calendar. The calendar also takes into account holidays and exams. Users can input their subjects to organize the calendar and homework lists by subject of their homework. In addition, users can input their lesson timetables to keep track of their classes. Users can also input their grades and track their progress on a graph. Other features include alarms, importing their Google calendar, inputting their school website, changing the view of the calendar and more.
Details on HomeWorkIdea Growr
Organization/Productivity, AndroidIdea Growr allows the user to quickly jot down ideas for new projects. The app then asks the user a series of questions in order to help them develop their idea. The user can also create custom questions to help with future ideas.
Details on Idea GrowrIDEAL Equation Finder
Other, AndroidFor this app, users either type in the name of an equation or dictate it in the search bar, and the app looks for the equation associated with the input. For example, typing in or saying ‘area of a triangle’ and pressing search will result with many different equations to choose from on how to calculate the area of a triangle.
Details on IDEAL Equation FinderIDEAL Group Reader
Screen Reading, AndroidIDEAL Group Reader is an eBook reader that automatically inputs all downloaded eBooks in one library without having to search for them in the user’s device. It includes functionality of text-to-speech and has numerous settings customize. It has a ‘Dyslexic-Friendly Settings’ this has high contrast and specific font that makes it easier to distinguish among letters. It also allows users to write notes and manage them.
Details on IDEAL Group ReaderIDEAL U.S. Currency Identifier
Other, AndroidIDEAL U.S. Currency Identifier uses the device’s camera to identify U.S. bills. It then uses text-to-speech to speak the denomination of the bill out loud.
Details on IDEAL U.S. Currency IdentifierINKredible – Handwriting Note
Other, AndroidINKredible allows the user to handwrite notes and organize them in different notebooks and/or folders. The user can also add typed text and images to their notes. INKredible allows notes to be exported as PDF or image files.
Details on INKredible – Handwriting NoteiTalk
Screen Reading, AndroidiTalk is a simple app that read text outloud. Users type in what they would like say and then the app will read it out loud.
Details on iTalkIVONA Kendra US English beta
Screen Reading, AndroidThe voices can be used with numerous apps (e.g. ebook readers, GPS navigation, etc) or the app can be used to input text and then listen to it being read outloud. In addition, the pitch and speed of speech can be adjusted.
Details on IVONA Kendra US English beta