
Cool Reader

Screen Reading, Android

Cool Reader is an eBook reader that opens epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM), and pml formats. This eBook reader comes with text-to-speech capabilities which will use any voice installed on the device to read the text out loud. Other features include searching for words within the text, changing the visual settings (e.g. background, font size, spacing), bookmarking, using online catalogues to find specific works, night reading setting, and more.

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Product Flashcards

Other, Android

Cram Flashcards allows the user to create or download flashcards in order to study the content of their choice. Flashcards are organized in sets and each card consists of a front and a back. The front is the prompt whereas the back is the expected answer. The user can also set an optional hint to facilitate memorization.

Cram Flashcards offers three modes to help users study content: standard flashcard, memorize, and cram mode. In the standard flashcard mode, the user simply tries to answer each card and marks their answer as either right or wrong. In memorize mode, cards get progressively removed from the set as memorize them. This allows the user to focus on the cards they yet have to memorize. In cram mode, the user needs to successfully memorize and answer each card 5 times.

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Darwin Reader Trial

Screen Reading, Android

Darwin Reader is a DAISY book reader that allows you to get books from Benetech Bookshare, LibriVox, and from the user’s computer. Users can navigate the app using the menus (which can be read aloud) or by specific swyping motions. Other features include Eyes-Free mode, changing the font and background color, text size, font spacing, voice speed, punctuation speech, and more.

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Dictionary/Reference, Android

This app includes a dictionary and thesaurus. In addition to having the basic functions of a dictionary/thesaurus, it also has synonyms, related words, and antonyms. The app also has a translator which can translate single words into different languages. It also lets users bookmark and look up words on Wikipedia.

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Dictionary/Reference, Android

This dictionary/thesaurus does not need Internet connection to search for words. When connected to the Internet, the app features audio pronunciation, text-to-speech and allows the user to dictate a word to launch a search. The app also includes favorite words, word and origin history, example sentences, and spelling suggestions.

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Organization/Productivity, Android

Diigo allows users to input notes and bookmark websites into the app so that they are all available in one place.

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DrawExpress Diagram Lite

Organization/Productivity, Android

DrawExpress Diagram Lite allows the user to create diagrams and mindmaps by drawing and using simple gestures on the screen (e.g., drawing shapes, drawing links between shapes). The user can change the colours of the shapes they draw as well as the colour and style of the font they use to write text on their diagrams and mindmaps. Maps can be saved on the device or saved to Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive.

Users can save up to 5 maps with the free version and can remove this limit by purchasing the full version.

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Organization/Productivity, Android

Dropbox is an online storage space for a multitude of documents such as, photos, docs, and videos. This app allows users to access their Dropbox account from their device. It requires Internet to work.

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ES File Explorer File Manager

Organization/Productivity, Android

ES File Explorer organizes and displays all folders on the device/SD Card in one spot. Every app on the device has its own folder with all saved files within them. Users can also create new files and folders within the app. The app includes files and folders from the device, downloads on the device, SD card, internal library (pictures, movies, music, and books), and the network (LAN, anything within the cloud, FTP, Bluetooth). The cloud is compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive,, Sugarsync, Yandex, Amazon S3, and Ubuntu One. The app can also act as an app manager, download manager, system manager, SD card analyst, root Explorer, remote manager, net manager, and clipboard. Other features include changing the view in which the folders display (small to large icons, small to large lists, small to large detail), and changing the sort (alphabetical order, type, size, last modified), and more.

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Evernote – stay organized

Organization/Productivity, Android

Evernote allows a person to take text notes, audio notes, photos, create to-do lists, and record voice reminders which can be synced between their computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android devices and the Evernote website.

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