2016: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Sharing strategies and building alliances [Invited speakers]

Sergarajasinghe-Ernest, R., & Wileman, S. (2016, October 14). Sharing strategies and building alliances [Invited speakers]. Dawson College’s Pedagogical Day, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2016: Refereed Conference Presentations

Enriching practice: Supporting diversity through universal design for learning [Conference presentation]

Wileman, S., Rowe, B., & Thomson, R. (2016, June 7-9). Enriching practice: Supporting diversity through universal design for learning [Conference presentation]. 36th Annual Symposium of the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC), Quebec City, QC, Canada.
2015: Refereed Conference Presentations

Let’s stop talking and start doing : Implementing UDL in the AccessAbility Centre at Dawson College [Conference presentation]

Havel, A., Wileman, S., MacDonald, C., & Zagury, A. (2015, May 20-22). Let’s stop talking and start doing: Implementing UDL in the AccessAbility Centre at Dawson College [Conference presentation]. Universal Design for Learning: Canadian Perspectives: Sowing the Seeds, Facilitating the Change, Nurturing the Growth, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2015: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Curb-cuts in the classroom: French language instruction at Dawson College

Havel, A., & Wileman, S. (2015). Curb-cuts in the classroom: French language instruction at Dawson College. Inspirations, 8(1), 16. http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf/Editions/Inspirations_winter-1113.pdf
2013: Refereed Conference Presentations

Autism spectrum in the college

Wileman, S., Havel, A., Darrous, J., & Ogilvy, B. (2013, June). Autism spectrum in the college. 2013 Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) conference, Montreal, Quebec
2013: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Autism spectrum disorder in the classroom: Challenges and strategies

Wileman, S., & Havel, A. (2013, October). Autism spectrum disorder in the classroom: Challenges and strategies. Presentation at the Dawson College Pedagogical Day, Montréal, Québec.
2013: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Autism / Asperger’s for teachers

Havel, A., & Wileman, S. (2013, October). Autism / Asperger’s for teachers. Presentation at the Dawson College Pedagogical Day, Montreal, Quebec.
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

A Panel Discussion on Special Needs in the Classroom: Teachers Speak Out.

Wileman, S., & Havel, A. (2012, October). A Panel Discussion on Special Needs in the Classroom: Teachers Speak Out. Presentation at Dawson College’s Pedagogical Day, Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec.
2012: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Universal Design At Dawson College: Implications for Change.

Havel, A., & Wileman, S. (2012, June). Universal Design At Dawson College: Implications for Change. Presentation at the Association québécoise interuniversitaire des conseillers aux étudiants en situation de handicap (AQICESH) Conference, Montreal, Quebec.