2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Les TIC : des outils pour l’accessibilité universelle en pédagogie

Barile, M., Mimouni, Z., Nguyen, M. N., & Fichten, C. S. (2013). Les TIC : des outils pour l’accessibilité universelle en pédagogie. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/publications/dossiers/les-tic-des-outils-pour-l-accessibilite-universelle-en-pedagogie
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

ICTs: Tools for universal design for instruction

Barile, M., Mimouni, Z., Nguyen, M. N., & Fichten, C. S. (2013). ICTs: Tools for universal design for instruction. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/featured-reports/icts-tools-for-universal-design-for-instruction
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Job prospects favorable for recent Canadian college and university graduates with disabilities: Preliminary results of an Adaptech Research Network cross-Canada study.

Fichten, C. S., Nguyen, M. N., Jorgensen, M., Barile, M., Budd, J., Asuncion, J., Martiniello, N., & Tibbs, A. (2013). Job prospects favorable for recent Canadian college and university graduates with disabilities: Preliminary results of an Adaptech Research Network cross-Canada study. NEADS Media. Retrieved from http://www.neads.ca/en/about/media/index.php?id=76
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Free and inexpensive ICTs for students with disabilities

Chauvin, A., King, L., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., Jorgensen, M., Barile, M., & Fichten, C. S. (2013, March 17). Free and inexpensive ICTs for students with disabilities. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/en/publications/articles/free-and-inexpensive-ict-for-students-with-disabilities
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Des TIC gratuites ou peu coûteuses pour les étudiants en situation de handicap

Chauvin, A., King, L., Nguyen, M. N., Budd, J., Jorgensen, M., Barile, M., & Fichten, C. S. (2013, March 17). Des TIC gratuites ou peu coûteuses pour les étudiants en situation de handicap. Profweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.ca/publications/articles/des-tic-gratuites-ou-peu-couteuses-pour-les-etudiants-en-situation-de-handicap
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Employment of postsecondary graduates with disabilities: Some myths and realities

Jorgensen, M., Fichten, C. S., Martiniello, M., Nguyen, M. N., Barile, M., Budd, J., & Amsel, R. (2013). Employment of postsecondary graduates with disabilities: Some myths and realities. Communiqué, 13(2), 15-17.
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Démystifier les TA au cégep et sur le marché du travail

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., & Nguyen, M. N. (2013). Démystifier les TA au cégep et sur le marché du travail. Rendez-vous, 27(1), 30-31.
2013: Peer Reviewed Proceedings and ERIC Documents

Junior/community college students with learning disabilities and their use of information and communication technologies (ICTs)

Nguyen, M. N., Fichten, C. S., King, L., Barile, M., Mimouni, Z., Havel, A., Raymond, O., Juhel, J.-C., Jorgensen, S., Chauvin, A., Gutberg, J., Budd, J., Hewlett, M., Heiman, T., Gaulin, C., & Asuncion, J. (2013). Junior/community college students with learning disabilities and their use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Adapted from the final […]
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

University degree key to success for youth with disabilities

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., & Nguyen, M. N. (2013). University degree key to success for youth with disabilities. Moxie – Newsletter of the Independent Living – Montreal, 9(3), 2-3.
2013: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Un diplôme universitaire est la clé du succès des jeunes en situation de handicap

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, M., & Nguyen, M. N. (2013). Un diplôme universitaire est la clé du succès des jeunes en situation de handicap. Moxie – Newsletter of the Independent Living – Montreal, 9(3), 2-3.