2000: Refereed Conference Presentations

Dismantling disabling environments and organizing the enabling process

Barile, M. (2000, July). Dismantling disabling environments and organizing the enabling process. Paper presented at the joint conference of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work, Montreal, Quebec.
2000: Refereed Conference Presentations

Computer and adaptive computer technologies for students with disabilities in the cegeps: Preliminary results

Barile, M., Fichten, C. S., Robillard, C., Fossey, M. E., Généreux, C., & Guimont, J. P. (2000, May). Computer and adaptive computer technologies for students with disabilities in the cegeps: Preliminary results. Presentation at the 12th Colloque de l’ARC, Hull, Quebec.
2000: Refereed Conference Presentations

What do 800 students with disabilities say about their experiences with computers? Findings and recommendations from Canada’s Adaptech Project

Fichten, C. S., Asuncion, J., Barile, M., Généreux, C., Judd, D., Alapin, I., Robillard, C., Fossey, M. E., & Guimont, J. P. (2000, July). What do 800 students with disabilities say about their experiences with computers? Findings and recommendations from Canada’s Adaptech Project. Presentation at the 23rd Annual Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) […]
2000: Refereed Conference Presentations

Projet Adaptech: Collège Dawson – Informatique et technologies adaptées dans les cégeps

Fichten, C. S., Barile, M., Robillard, C., Fossey, M. E., Généreux, C., & Guimont, J. P. (2000). Projet Adaptech: Collège Dawson – Informatique et technologies adaptées dans les cégeps. In A. Cantin (Chair). Les TIC : qu’est-ce que ça change pour les sciences humaines? Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Association pour les […]
2000: Refereed Conference Presentations

Computer and adaptive computer technologies in the postsecondary environment: An Adaptech Project update

Fichten, C. S., Généreux, C., Barile, M., Asuncion, J., Fossey, M. E., Robillard, C., Judd, D., Lavers, J., & Guimont, J.P. (2000). Computer and adaptive computer technologies in the postsecondary environment: An Adaptech Project update. Presentation at the EvNet Conference, Cornwall, Ontario.
2000: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Feminism and disability: A standpoint perspective

Barile, M. (1997-2000). Feminism and disability: A standpoint perspective. Presentation at the Women’s Studies Program, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
2000: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Health and women with disabilities

Barile, M. (1999-2000). Health and women with disabilities. Guest lectures at McGill University School of Nursing, Montreal, Quebec.
2000: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Theories and issues of women with disabilities

Barile, M. (1996-2000). Theories and issues of women with disabilities. Guest lectures at the Department of Women Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.