2006: Popular Press Articles: Magazines, Newsletters, Reports, Web Sites, Webinars, Social Media

Executive Summary – College students with disabilities: Their future and success.

Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, S., Havel, A., Barile, M., with the collaboration of Landry, M.-E., Fiset, D., Juhel, J.-C., Tétreault, S., Ferraro, V., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M. N., Alapin, I., Arcuri, R., Huard, G., & Amsel, R. (2006). Executive Summary – College students with disabilities: Their future and success. Final report presented to Fonds de […]
2006: Peer Reviewed Proceedings and ERIC Documents

Accessibility of eLearning in postsecondary education: Student and faculty perspectives.

Asuncion, J. V., Fichten, C. S., Wolforth, J., Hewlett, M., Klomp, R., & Barile, M. (2006, March). Accessibility of eLearning in postsecondary education: Student and faculty perspectives. Proceedings of the CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Technology and Persons with Disabilities conference, Los Angeles, California.
2006: Peer Reviewed Proceedings and ERIC Documents

College students with disabilities: Their future and success

Fichten, C. S., Jorgensen, S., Havel, A., Barile, M., with the collaboration of Landry, M.-E., Fiset, D., Juhel, J.-C., Tétreault, S., Ferraro, V., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M. N., Alapin, I., Arcuri, R., Huard, G., & Amsel, R. (2006). College students with disabilities: Their future and success. Fnal report presented to FQRSC. Montréal: Adaptech Research Network, […]
2006: Refereed Conference Presentations

Accessibility of eLearning in postsecondary education: Student and faculty perspectives.

Asuncion, J.V., Fichten, C.S., Wolforth, J., Hewlett, M., Klomp, R., & Barile, M. (2006, March). Accessibility of eLearning in postsecondary education: Student and faculty perspectives. Presentation at the CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Technology and Persons With Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, California.
2006: Refereed Conference Presentations

e-Learning problems and solutions: An empirical study of Canadian postsecondary students with disabilities, campus based disability service providers, faculty, and e-Learning specialists.

Fichten, C.S., Asuncion, J.V., Ferraro, V., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M.N., & Barile, M. (2006, November). e-Learning problems and solutions: An empirical study of Canadian postsecondary students with disabilities, campus based disability service providers, faculty, and e-Learning specialists. Presentation at the annual Accessing Higher Ground conference, Boulder, Colorado.
2006: Refereed Conference Presentations

Étudiants ayant des incapacités au Cégep : Caractéristiques et facilitateurs.

Fichten, C.S., Landry, M.E., Jorgensen, S., Barile, M., Havel, A., Juhel, J.C., Tétreault, S. Huard, G., Ferraro, V., Chwojka, C., Nguyen, M.N., & Amsel, R., (2006). Étudiants ayant des incapacités au Cégep : Caractéristiques et facilitateurs. Presentation at the annual meeting of l’Association pour la Recherche au Collégial (ARC) dans la cadre du 74e Congrès […]
2006: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Barile, M. (1995-2006). Sexual assault and women with disabilities. Presentations at the Annual Conference of the Sexual Assault Center, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Barile, M. (1995-2006). Sexual assault and women with disabilities. Presentations at the Annual Conference of the Sexual Assault Center, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
2006: Talks, Interviews, Presentations and Invited Addresses

Barile, M. (2006, Spring). Sowing the seeds. Organized conference for Réseau d’action des femmes handicapées du Canada (RAFHC). Richmond, British Columbia.

Barile, M. (2006, Spring). Sowing the seeds. Organized conference for Réseau d’action des femmes handicapées du Canada (RAFHC). Richmond, British Columbia.