Adaptech team meets with Dr. Rob Cassidy, Academic Dean of Dawson College

The Adaptech team met with Dr. Rob Cassidy, Academic Dean of Dawson College to talk about accessibility and inclusion at the institution. There was also a discussion about how Adaptech can contribute to making the college’s environment more accessible/inclusive.

Adaptech’s artificial intelligence team meets with Christian Stahn of AI Pole

Adaptech’s artificial intelligence team meets with Christian Stahn of AI Pole to discuss the progress of the grant “How Can Virtual Assistants and AI-Based Smartphone Apps Help Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities Succeed in their Studies?” and future directions for research.


Anick Legault was interviewed

Anick Legault was interviewed for an article about the semester going online that was published in the Dawson Employee News. Retrieved from

Bianca Zlotea presented a poster at ARC

Bianca Zlotea presented a poster at the colloquium for the Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) at Laval University, as part of the 91st Conference de l’Acfas.